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Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Fanny Fabriana Bandung girl born in 1985 who began his career in the entertainment world by becoming a model. At that time he managed to become the champion First Cover Girl Aneka held by the magazine in 1999 and became a Top Model Winner Indonesia in 2002.

Fanny Fabriana began to be known by the public after becoming a model and also some advertising product advertising, an alumnus SMUN 20 Bandung is then entered the acting world. His acting debut through the soap opera "Preman Kampus”, but his name began to be known as a soap star when playing as Orange in sinetron PINK. Since then, he started a lot of soap operas and FTV bid. Some soap operas in which he stars, Mat Grobak, Naila, Persi Sok Gaul, Janji Jaya, Antri Dong, and also the driver of Man Also.

Professional model, until the presenter seemed not enough for the student Widyatama Department of Management at the University, Bandung. He also penetrated the big screens. Fanny Fabriana has a height of 175 cm which is big-screen debut in The Daily To Amanda in 2009. Opportunity to play on the big screen in the film continues Thugs Love (2009) until the Last Wolves (2009).

At the end of 2010 was Fanny Fabriana more FTV played in the film that tells the story of young people today, and this FTV programs to develop until now, and this program is a top program with a theme SCTV Gala Sinetron.

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