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Friday, November 18, 2011
Name : Marisa Nasution
Actress Name : VJ Marisa
Date of Birth : Februari 8, 1986

Body Beautiful and sexy is the word that best describes a VJ Marissa Nasution. By the age of relatively young, VJ Marissa appropriately referred to as the most shining star in the year 2009. Various Title Films, Video Clips, presenters and even clashing with Manohara acting in a drama is a busy schedule made by the artist section of German descent this Batak.

Because it is not surprising that current figures show a lot of magazines with pictures of sexy VJ Marissa she is doing. Some photos VJ Marissa even received an appreciation that a variety of Indonesian society. VJ Marissa Nasution name became known publicly when he followed the event VJ Hunt in 2007 and was previously elected as High Quality programs Tell Singles in Love.

Slowly but surely, Marissa VJ artistry career start reaching up. My name is Dick role in the film along with Tora Suidro Marissa VJ increasingly confirmed as the artist who must be recognized. Especially when this sexy actress who was born on February 8, 1986 in Jakarta this almost every day we see a TV screen in a music “Program Mantap”. Marissa VJ fluency in the English language also became a separate points for VJ Marissa. She often times be the spokesperson when there are guest stars who come from abroad. But for this former lover Daniel Mananta, Indonesian language is the language that she absolutely loved until now.

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