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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Cast : Alexandra Gottardo, Asrul Dahlan , Griffit Patricia , Yahuda Rumbindi, Lukman Sardi, Ari Sihasale, Robby Tumewu, Thessa Kaunang. Director : Ari Sihasale
Author : Armantono

After the success of the screen width, Alenia Pictures production house that produced the film Tanah Air Beta provide opportunities for people who do not watch movies Tanah Air Beta to enjoy films about Timor Lester polls in VCD and DVD.

No half-hearted, Alenia Pictures producing as many as 20 thousand pieces of VCDs and 10 thousand pieces of DVD movie Tanah Air Beta Previously 'Tanah Air Beta is also presented in the form of comics.

For those of you who do not watch movies Tanah Air Beta, you can get this movie here. Little information, this film is about the struggle of the refugees scattered by separation of East Timor from Indonesia.

Download : Disc A ! Disc B
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